Number 1018
"D-don't press those decaying lips to mine!"
The Jerry Iger shop of New York City prepared these monstrous masterfeces, er...pieces, and provided them to the Canadian proprietor of Superior Comics to publish, and ship a goodly number to the U.S., serving up some true grue to the citizens of both nations.
"Swamp Horror" is from Superior's Mysteries #2 (called Mysteries Weird and Strange on the cover). This synopsis from the Grand Comics Database gives no indication of how demented it is: "A man chases away a woman who comes to his cabin. The woman is his mother just released from an insane asylum. She dies, but returns every night until she chases him out of the house. They die in the woods." Whoever wrote that did not indicate how sick it is that a man kicks his poor ol' mentally ill maw out into the night (even though he doesn't recognize her) and she dies, only to come back to hold and--urp...gag--kiss him. At least we're spared seeing her slip him her tongue.
Nor does the description of another story from that issue, "Monsters Three" indicate how startling the woman's thoughts are in the last panel. [SPOILER ALERT] "Uranium prospectors are attacked by uranium creatures. Two prospectors are killed. The remaining two evade the creatures until they are hit by lightning and destroyed in an atomic explosion. The prospectors are doomed to die of radiation poisoning." Getting married is her priority. Egad. That's frightening.

The scrolling viewer has hit my blog too. Beware, it's The Curse of Bloggerdom! Some fool is allus tryin' to improve things. Leave well enough alone I allus say.
Thomas, looks like the change is across the board. I'm with the writer who said, "every time Blogger makes an improvement it gets worse," but they've done it, and despite my crotchety resistance to change I guess I'll get used to it.
Grumble, grumble, gripe...
Wow, it's an incredible coincidence that you posted this. I have the original art of the final page from "Swamp Horror." I picked it up when I was a younger man. These days, I have absolutely no desire to hang it on my wall.
Loved those stories! The new viewer does suck pretty badly but you're right, I guess we'll have to get used to it. Although if it weren't for your helpful hint about getting to the image to magnify it I'd have been screwed, Pappy, wouldn't have been able to read the stories. Talk about user-unfriendly apps!
Thanks, Aldi...Blogger didn't provide any instructions, and so we have to do what computer users usually do: fumble around until we figure it out on our own.
I use the Firefox browser, but have checked the viewer with Chrome and Internet Explorer. In Firefox and Chrome the link looks like gobbledy-gook, in Explorer it looks coherent. But clicking on the link does get the same result no matter the viewer. In Firefox I notice I can right-click the page in the viewer, then click 'view image', and get the same result.
Keith, because of the horrible printing of Superior (a less apt logo could not have been chosen), it's always a treat to see the original art. I wouldn't want to see that page on my wall, either. It's a great page for a horror comic, though.
Pappy, remember than in all programs that allow for tabbed browsing, you can right click and open each linked image in its own tab. This is the way I read these stories already. I can open the whole story at once that way, from the original post, and then just tab across to read. It cuts down on ever having to slowly reload the original page with all its linked graphic thumbnails. The new viewing application does not have any effect on this method of reading your stuff.
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