Number 754
Tom Gill's Lone Ranger
The character of the Lone Ranger is as iconic as Tarzan, Sherlock Holmes or Superman. Crank up The William Tell Overture on your stereo and ask people what they associate with that stirring theme. He was created by George W. Trendle and writer Fran Striker for radio almost 80 years ago, then branched out into movies, TV and the comics. Dell had the Lone Ranger franchise for a long time, especially during the height of the TV show's popularity.

Gill's art and layouts were clear and the stories moved along briskly. The Lone Ranger of the comics had the same strict moral code as he exhibited in all other media. He may have shot a lot of guns out of outlaw hands, but he never killed anybody. Well, hardly ever, I think. I'm sure there were some owlhoots in those pre-antibiotic days who may have died of sepsis or complications of the proverbial "flesh wound" inflicted by the masked man.
In this particular story, the Lone Ranger takes a chance, leaving his buddy Tonto in a mine amongst killers. He says he'll have time before Tonto gets killed to make sure a lady doesn't sell out to the bad guys. Good thing the Lone Ranger's timeline worked out or Tonto's good run would have ended right then.

Holy coinkydinks! I just posted a Lone Ranger story over at my Western comics blog. Sadly, my only Tom Gill LR has a tear through the first half of the issue, I hadda settle for an uncredited 70's issue. I'm going to add a link to this fabulous example of Dell Lone Ranger! Thanks for posting it, I haven't read this one before.
Ghost Who Blogs: Post links for your blogs here. Thanks.
Pappy: Wow! Okay. I didn't want to put them in my comments, because I didn't want you to think I just wanted to plug my blogs, but I'll take the offer!
There's "Once Upon A Time In The West In Comics":
"Silver Age Gold":
and "The Ghost Who Blogs"
Thanks again, Pappy! I plan to post some more links to some of your Golden Age western comics soon.
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