According to biographical information available online for Morris “Mo” Gollub, he worked at Disney in animation, and got into comic books thanks to “his friend, Walt Kelly.”
I must say, Mo moved in the best circles.
Gollub illustrated some comics, including “Leonora the Beautiful,”attributed to him by the Grand Comics Database. It's from Fairy Tale Parade, Four Color #114 (1946). But he is primarily known as an illustrator, and cover artist for Dell. He did some knockout covers, including these for Turok #11 (1955) and Tarzan #121 (1960). Tyrannosaurus lover that I am, these two dramatic covers are among my favorites.
Turok Son of Stone #11, 1956.
Tarzan #121, 1960
Not only did Gollub draw great dinosaurs, but he had a firm grasp of anatomy, as shown in the original art for a Tarzan cover. This striking painting displays his knowledge not only of the human figure, but animals as well.
Tarzan #71, 1955.
“Leonora the Beautiful” is not a typical comic book story because it is told in captions. I don’t think captions-only always works in a comic book story, but it does here.
Mo Gollub, who was born in 1910, died in 1984.