Number 973
Russ Heath's Kid Colt
Russ Heath, Will Eisner Hall Of Famer and Inkpot Award winner, began his comic book career with Timely/Atlas in 1947, drawing Western comics. Quoted in a Wikipedia biography Heath says, "My father used to be a cowboy, so as a little kid I was influenced by Western artists of the time. Will James was one, an artist-writer—I had most of his books. Charlie Russell was my favorite because his work was absolutely authentic, because he drew what he lived..."
Heath was mostly self-taught, but his art had a polish even in his early days, as seen in this Kid Colt story, "Mystery Of The Mad Monk," from Best Western#59, 1949. Heath went on to draw in most every genre Atlas published, then went to DC Comics, doing science fiction (his run on Sea Devils being one of my favorites), but a lot of war comics with other great artists like Irving Novick and Joe Kubert.

You'd think that Kid Colt would recognize that, when a feller who was crooked says that he's gone straight, but he's ugly and mean-lookin', then he's really still crooked! In fact, you can only be sure that he's gone straight if he's handsome, and either still young-lookin' or greyed nicely at the temples!
Daniel, isn't that looksism, and doesn't it exist not only in comics but every other place in the world?
Jepson can't be the Monk...and Hook can't be the Monk...wait, so the Monk MUST be one of the two provided suspects?
Intricately plotted for a comic book story. This is one of the good shoot-to-kill westerns that would get tamed to shoot-to-wound even before the CCA seal.
Haven't seen one of these since I was a kid. Thanks for posting, Pappy.
I don' make the rules, pardner. I don't make the rules.
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