
Monday, June 24, 2019

Pappy’s Favorites Number 9: Dick Tracy, Flattop Jr and the conscience lesson

I have never lost the fannish pleasure of reading Dick Tracy. I have read it all my life, in newspapers and also in comic books. I did this posting in 2010 to share my fascination for a particular sequence with bad guy Flattop Jr. When I read the Harvey Comics reprint of the story I was still a pre-teen, and the images of the murdered girl, Skinny, clinging to her killer’s neck, were very powerful for me. Like the character in the 2006 comic strip, “Crankshaft,” which I also show with the story, these issues of Dick Tracy Monthly have stayed with me all my life.

Click on the thumbnail to see it.


hotfootharp said...

Thanks, Pappy, for re-re-re-printing this story. I picked up the Harvey Dick Tracy with one of the Flatfoot Jr. chapters in Pendleton, OR. Now I know, thanks to your documentation, this was in the year 1958. The comic book was part of my collection that was purged by my mother, a short time later. She trashed of all my comics, so all I had left was the memories. Of the ones that she deep sixed, this Tracy comic was one of the most memorable.
It is good to rediscover this lost piece of my childhood. Skinny gave me the creeps when I was a child. Seeing her again, I understand why.

Rick said...

Of all the stories in the Dick Tracy strip that is the one I remember from my childhood. Recently I bought the 56-57 anthology and refreshed my recall of old Flattop. I read through it happily recalling childhood and the love of the funnies back then. Thank you for the post.