Friday, April 27, 2018

Number 2173: Walt Kelly does Hans Christian Andersen’s “Thumbelisa”

Fifty years ago a friend showed me his collection of the original Fairy Tale Parade. I had not seen them before, but as a Pogo fan I loved Walt Kelly. He did the whole 68 page Fairy Tale Parade #1 (1942), with tales designed for children. Even for us old geezers, anything by Kelly is worth reading, producing delight in the reader, young or old.

In the introduction to the 2005 book, The Stories of Hans Christian Andersen by Diana Crone Frank and Jeffrey Frank, this is claimed: “By 1874 Hans Christian Andersen was perhaps better known than any other living writer . . . his work had been widely read since the 1840s . . .” but in “so many interpretations and shoddy translations that the originals had been virtually obliterated.” I have no idea what Andersen would have thought of this interpretation of his story.

Here is another from Fairy Tale Parade, originally posted in 2015. The idea that the emperor has no clothes has lapsed into cliché. Cliché or not, It is still true. Just click on the thumbnail.


  1. I am going to color my hair and get some botox so that I can pass for a younger academic. Then I am going to denounce this story as heteronormative and as confining women to rôles as wives. I will denounce 10:1 for its sexual objectification. Finally, I will hit someone with a bike lock.

  2. Daniel, did you miss the part about the creepy old mole wanting to marry the young Thumbelisa? I'd join you in denouncing that.

  3. I dunno. I may someday find myself to be a creepy old mole in want of a wife. At least the mole was a mammal!


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