Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Number 1122

The dreaded Gorgon's dreadlocks!

This is posting number four from our week of monster stories.

As far as Fawcett superheroes of the Golden Age went, next to Captain Marvel, Bulletman and Bulletgirl were two of my favorites. They weren't anything alike, because Captain Marvel tended more to whimsy while other Fawcett heroes in those early days tended more toward horror. This story fits well into our monster-themed week.

For the early 1940s, Bulletgirl was hot.

Near-decapitation warning! One panel shows a sword slicing through a neck. No blood and gore, though.

Artist(s) unknown. From Bulletman #4 (1942):


  1. Were-Gorgon, huh? I wonder if this comic somehow ended up in Britain and into Terrence Fisher's hands.

  2. "municipal museum, that vast pawn shop of the past."

    I like that!

  3. For somebody who still reads modern comics, page 4 threw me -- I thought it was Bulletman but it was in fact, Bulletgirl. I can't tell them apart without the 90s-00s T&A, which seems to be a pretty sad case on my part :)

    The writing is a bit ecletic; it starts with very forward looking post code horror stuff like "midnight's last chime dies", "loot of time", "silence of the centuries" and then ends the page on a pun!

  4. Kirk, I like it, too, but I'd like it better if I knew what the hell it means. Museum as pawn shop? The horror!

  5. 100Aliases...I've been trying to find out when American GIs first set foot on British soil during WWII. They traveled with amenities from home which could be bought in the post exchange (called the PX), including (presumably) comic books. I bought my comic books in the PX when I was stationed in Germany in '67-'68.

    I imagine more than a few copies of American comics floated around in the UK, wherever Americans were stationed.

  6. Gumba, I love it when comic book writers try to sound "literary." But they get back to comic book-style soon enough. The museum guard, "drowsy ... yawns in sympathy with the sleeping hours..." and wakes to say, "Aah, nothing ever happens 'round this dump..."


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