Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Number 1037

The fine art comic book artist

Gerald McCann was a comic book veteran, another journeyman, who was also a painter, a fine artist. I don't have much information on him beyond his birth year of 1916. If McCann is still alive he's about 95-years-old by now, but nowhere online could I find a date of death. If you google Gerald McCann you can find examples of his fine art.

McCann did comic books across the genres, but specialized in crime and later in TV tie-ins. He had a fine artist's eye for panel composition. The two moody crime stories I've got here have a noir feel to them. McCann worked into the 1960s, at least, for Dell (Ghost Stories) and for ACG editor, Richard E. Hughes. Today I'm showing one of his later stories from a 1963 issue of Adventures Into the Unknown.

Here's a link to a Western story McCann did for Avon.

From Murderous Gangsters #3, 1952:

From Real Clue Crime Stories Vol. 6 #2, 1951:

From Adventures Into the Unknown #143, 1963:


  1. For years I thought he mus have been from South america or something. His style is so un-American to my eyes.

  2. Ger, I agree that McCann doesn't seem to fit comfortably into any comic book artistic niches. His work is easy to identify, though.

  3. Pappy: I may be in the minority here, sir, but I wish you would enable the new lightbox style image viewer.

    Great post, per usual. It does look like a lot of the art that was coming out of Argentina around that time period.


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