Monday, December 14, 2009

Number 649

Captain Science has a "Throm"bosis

A week ago I showed you "The Death Flower" from Captain Science #5. I chased down that story I first read almost 60 years ago. I promised to show you the lead story by Wood and Orlando. Here it is, from Captain Science #5, 1951.


  1. This one is so good that a simple "thank you" seems almost insufficient, but there it is anyway.

  2. Pappy: Wow, great post. There is something very special about this one - sort of like a prototype for "science fiction comic book." Wood has to be one of the most recognizable artists that ever worked in comics. Good old american fists are better than any atom gun. Ya-hooo! -- Mykal

  3. OK, the bad guys are from 500 years in the future, but Captain Science and friends look like they live in the future, too. Are these two futures we're looking at here? One nearer and one farther away?

  4. Kirk: Just divide by infinity. You'll see.

  5. Another amazing find Pappy.

    I've got to get me some of that stuff : Diromerizer, Atometherizer, Radiation Ray(what!?) and a calculator that can divide infinity by pi - mine has trouble calculating how long it would take to get to Pluto at 40 times the speed of light.

    Of course I'd probably trade them all for a Luana.

  6. This looks like one of those early Orlando/Wood stories where they both worked all night working over each others shouldrs, one pecilling while the other is inking...can't quite tell where one begins and the other ends!
    T'anks, Pap!

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