Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Number 445

Happy New Year with Cosmo Cat!

I didn't realize when I posted this Cosmo Cat story that it would get such a good response. Thanks to Dave Miller, who provided the original scans from Cosmo Cat #8, August 1947. He's also gone the extra mile and provided scans for another three stories from that same issue. Dave, you are a very cool cat for doing that.

By following the link above you can read more about Cosmo from longtime fan Martin Greim.

This will be my last posting for 2008, so I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to 2009. Since I joined the blogging world I've met some really great people, those who have left positive comments, constructive criticism, those who have e-mailed me to ask questions or share information. When I started Pappy's 2 1/2 years ago I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I'd get, but I've been pleasantly surprised by the overwhelmingly positive and friendly feedback. Looking at the many blogs that have sprung up with fans sharing comics makes me feel very good. It's great to know that the history of comic books is well represented on the World Wide Web, and as my StatCounter software shows me, people from around the world are participating by looking in.

I'll see you in 2009, and best to you from your Pappy!


  1. Wow! Three more stories from the same issue. Dave (& Pappy, of course)you guys are "the man".

    Happy New Year to you both.

  2. Pappy, thanks for a great year of comics! This is really only the first year that I've been habitually haunting comic blogs, but the upside is that there's been a pile of past posts to relish. - Paul

  3. Hey Pappy -- these Cosmo Cat comics arethe perfect example of why your blog is a treasure: They're just plain old FUN comics, lost to obscurity that will never be read again until you generously share them online.

    Your blog has been an inspiration to me all year. Here's to a great 2009!

    "Pappy New Year!" --sherm

  4. my wish came true, you posted more Cosmo Cat! this is the best thing that's happened all day, maybe all week! Thanx guys!

  5. Have a happy and healthy New Year Pappy! Thanks for giving us so many great posts in this year.

  6. Everybody: Thanks for all your support. I couldn't do any of it without you guys.


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