Thursday, December 04, 2008

Number 426

Santa Claus in trouble!

Ever have one of those nightmares? You're trying to go to work but you can't find your car, and while you're looking you're getting later and later, and things get more and more hopeless...I've had a few of those dreams. Santa Claus, at least in this story from Santa Claus Funnies #1, 1942, isn't having a nightmare; he can't find his sled and reindeer for real! On Christmas Eve, yet. Tsk. I guess he needs to get a better sled alarm system or something.

This is the first of four consecutive Thursdays featuring Christmas stories, finishing up on Thursday, December 25.


Check out the classic "Santa in Wonderland" story featured in Pappy's #231 from 2007. It's a great story that got a lot of play around the Internet.


  1. Great post, Pappy! Santa Claus was certainly in proper form in this fun tale.

    I will look forward to your other holiday posts.

  2. Who did this one, Pappy? I know I should know, but I'm blanking....

  3. Just hit me: Kelly. Duh.

  4. I don't know who drew this story, Forrest. It wasn't Walt Kelly.

  5. the artist is George Kerr -

  6. Glad for that, Steven. I've seen this attributed to Kelly before, which is where that came from.

  7. A Santa Claus in trouble is a temporary thing.


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