Sunday, May 31, 2020

Number 2435: If you see a UFO, wave and say hello for me

Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine was retired on December 31, 2019. I fully intended for it to be permanent. It’s now been six months, filled with a whole lot of distractions and things going on, and me, Pappy, twiddling my thumbs while the world we all knew has come crashing in on us. Since this is a worldwide problem I am doing what I have done all my life during troubled times, hide out and hope things get better before getting much worse. To keep myself distracted I went through files of comics I never posted on this blog during its original run. My plan, such as it is, will be to post once a week on Sundays during the summer of 2020, giving you, also, a brief distraction from worldly woes.

First up is a comic book I added to my collection in 1980, Vic Torry and His Flying Saucer, a 1950 one-shot from Fawcett Publications. It is drawn by Bob Powell and his studio, who did their usual excellent job. It was written by Fawcett editor Roy Ald. I am usually not a fan of photographs on comic book covers, but I admit the composite cover is eye-catching.

As always, I have a few gripes, and one is how did Vic get his girlfriend in on his test flight of a new jet aircraft.

Ultimately, the handsome American and his beautiful blonde girlfriend triumph. Oops, was that a spoiler? Sorry.

As a lifelong comic book, novels and movie fan, it feels to me that what we are all experiencing now is science fiction, but it’s real science, no fiction. My wish is that you and your loved ones are well. My hope is that we all survive the pandemic and come out on the other side to rebuild our lives, and the whole planet, if possible. Be smart, and above all, be safe.